Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Assignment.

You. Yes, you. I am assigning you a project. Oh, I know how much you love researching and looking up things.

I have already assigned Amber with this project, but I need all the help I can get.

My Poppy wants a digital camera for christmas. Now, a digital anything can be more complicated than it needs to be. But this will take special care & consideration.

As most of you know, my Poppy doesn't have a very good mind. He has poor comprehension skills and this camera will need to meet his skills.

So, here is what we are looking for:

Digital Camera.
Ability to view LCD on back.
Battery powered.
Big buttons not too close together.
Megapixels & ISO not a concern.
USB compatible.

Basically, we need a kid camera without the kid price. Keep in mind, purchasing a camera for Forrest Gump.

You'd think this would be easy, but there is so much in terms of digital cameras, it's hard to wade through the details. I need the easiest camera to use.

Post me some links. Let's talk. I need all the help I can get.

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