Monday, March 10, 2008


Current mood: annoyed

Today I'm on edge. It's my Gran's birthday. And I worked. This is the first time I have worked on her birthday in God knows when. When she was alive, I'd take off on her birthday. We'd watch "The Munsters" then "Price is right" and she'd laugh at the old people tripping down the aisle and acting insane. Then, we'd eat, something good and Granny-like. Usually, frozen hamburgers that she bought at Sav-A-Lot with tomato, onion ("because a burger isn't a burger without an onion" - Granism), pickle & mashed potatoes. Or she'd get Frank to go buy us some KFC. Original. Then we'd nap, water the flowers some and laugh at the goofy pictures we'd take.

I worked today because I had the flu last week. I needed to get back to work as soon as possible. But I wasn't happy about it. First off, I didn't feel good. Flu has tore me through me like a tornado and I feel like Dorthey in Oz wondering where the hell she is.

Second off, our plans to go to Sparta and relive good times with Gran were kinda shattered when I got sick.

Along with my plans to have dental surgery this week, which have been postponed til April.

Third off, I am pissed off at myspace. I mean, seriously - Hey, TOM - stop promoting your Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson thingy and fix your issues. I have 323 friends and I know at least ONE of them is online now.

Fourth off, I am pevved at the lack of communication when it comes to our reunion. It's been 10 years and I see feel like I'm not 'elite' enough to know what's going on. Sam said Sam Davis Home in Sept, then why doesn't anyone else know anything? Or if they do, why hasn't anyone said anything? And yeah, I'm talking about planning now because - we are adults and have jobs which may require time off if we live a distance away.

Lavergne already has invites, dates & plans. Why are we in the dark?

So, here ya go, know something about the reunion? Speak up. Because it's seriously not cool.

Or hell, I'll just invite everyone to the park. We can potluck it and let that be that.

Well, I'm the chips & dip girl - the only thing I make in the kitchen are small fires.

On another - more pleasant front - I asked Julie my first "skinny-girl" question today. "What do you wear to weddings?" because, well, I have always had to settle for dresses that make me look 50 and like a rounded triangle. But, now that I have some (shrinking) shape, I can actually wear something nice to Kristen's wedding in Oct. We decided this but not this. I've never really had a choice before. It's pretty dang cool.

So, anyway, I'm a big grump. Sorry.

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